
Legal Disclaimer / Terms:
Any material /postings /forums are not ‘legal advice’ but the experience
of a fellow 
respondents subjected  to the Bad Faith / Abuse of  Judicial
Privilege  by various 
CASs across Canada with  a special  emphasis on
Ontario  and  the CFSA.   
Each  recipient  is  required  to  assess  their
situation  to the best of
their  ability, outcomes  depend on the relative
/errors of  each party’s case, exhibits,  affidavits,
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Readers, respondents, parents and unrepresented litigants are advised to always seek independent legal advice as it applies to your matter.


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CAS, CAS management, CAS workers, CAS lawyers, any other lawyers, Doctors, Associations, lobby groups, Regulatory Bodies, Medical Colleges, provincial Ministries, agents of the Crown or any other body or
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Any of the above parties with a claim objecting to material/postings/forums/Case Law/ editorial content have an obligation to review their own files and the Case Law quoted before a claim is made.  For the following reasons any claim may be null and void and nullify any Absolute / Qualified Privilege from the get-go as listed below:

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D) - In your role, you are a public person/entity and can be named in the Public Interest and the Interests of Justice.
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J) -Any applicant having already violated Statutory Care requirements, the CFSA, or Case Law, etc, above would
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K) relies on Charter Rights of free speech, communication, association and holds itself to the
     standard of honestly held beliefs founded in events, exhibits, transcripts, recordings, affidavits of all parties,
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L)- No defamation, slander or libel claims of merit against or poster 'no_ethics_at_CAS'  
     when engaging in responsible communication of matters of public interest, as per the Supreme Court of Canada:

           Grant v Torstar Corp,    2009 SCC 61 *               download .pdf            
           Quan v Cusson,  2009 SCC 62 *                         download .pdf      
           Crookes v  Newton,  2011 SCC 47 *                    download .pdf          

M)- CAS workers, lawyers, supervisors, managers, doctors or other parties connected with CFSA matters on the
      Applicant side are 'Sophisticated Litigants'
and have unavoidable knowledge of their actions violating the Act
      and Case Law related to the good faith conduct of a CFSA matter and the Statutory Interests of children in
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O)- Postings on under @no_ethics_atCAS screen name, etc, is covered by the Legal Terms on this Page.

P)- Copyrights: All documents copyrighted by their original authors this includes all Guides, etc on the Publications
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      and prohibits re-posting without credit for the labour, expertise to collect, assess and annotate these works.
      Parents /Respondents in a CAS case, etc, are free to download and appropriate use of any posted Case Law or
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Any actions, direct or indirect, by proxy, including unjust litigation, false claims that affectively places a private interest of a CAS, CAS management, CAS workers, CAS lawyers, any other lawyers, Doctors, Associations, lobby groups, Regulatory Bodies, Medical Colleges or any other body above the Statutory Interest of a child, the Public Interest, the Interests of Justice or the jurisdiction of the court or the interest of a harmed private person has no protection of absolute/qualified privilege for the reasons in clauses A) to P).

See Supreme Court of Canada case law:
Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto,                        download .pdf  
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130  * 

A refusal to observe these conditions will attract all categories of costs available and damages under Tort law where appropriate.

Litigation threats to silence this site and the case law published here will get you the negative publicity above and the end of the Billion Dollar gravy train of public money and child abuse inflicted by CASs, lawyers and doctors.   The legal terms and conditions on this page, openly stated, in advance, provide that any claim made would be without protection of absolute/qualified privilege where a court is misled, order obtained by Fraud or Rules of Professional Conduct violated.
>>   email: 

*  Case Law from              Legal Page Revisions:  Rev 15,   Apr 25 2014  -  add item Q)  
   or                                                Rev 14, Jan 4  2014  - add items N), O) and  P)
                                                         Rev 13,  Aug 7   2013   -  privilege clarified, footer added
                                                                                                                       Rev 12,  Mar 14 2013   -  add item M)
                                                                        Rev 11,  Feb 12 2013   -  add item L) and case law
                                                                        Rev 10, Jan 28 2013  - revise item G)
                                                                        Rev 9,  Jan  5  2013  - add item J), K)
                                                                        Rev 8,  Dec 7  2012

** Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) [Ontario]                                 SLAPP - Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation

                 NOTE: Anti-CAS websites: feel free to copy, paste and edit legal terms from this page for use on your site!

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